Spring: New Beginning, Rebirth, and Possibilities

Xochipilli Artist: Rah Azul
In the northern hemisphere, this year’s Spring Equinox lands on Tuesday, March 19, 2016 (For your exact time visit: http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/spring-equinox.html).
The Spring Equinox represents equilibrium between winter’s cold bite and summer’s relentless heat.  As you step into the balance, you are also stepping into a time rich with possibility and fresh beginnings. As the cycle of life, death, and rebirth completes, the resurrection from death is visible in new blooms and new animal life around us.
For those of us who have spent winter gestating new goals and dreams, spring brings the revitalized energy necessary to begin taking action. This is prime time for re-birthing new or old (refined) goals and dreams. Allow spring’s gentle awakening to unfurl your desires at a natural pace. There is no need to move quickly unless it feels genuinely, and intuitively, appropriate.
As the Spring Equinox approaches, here are a few Spring Equinox rituals you can begin to help dust off winter’s slumber and prepare for spring’s awakening.
Easy Spring Rituals
Self-Inquiry Nature Walk: Take a walk outdoors. No matter where you are, place your attention on the changes around you such as: the land, weather, plants, animals, and insects. Do you see yourself reflected in these examples of renewal?
Vision Bouquet: Write your wishes and goals for the spring season onto several pieces of ribbon, then use these ribbons to tie together bouquets of flowers. You can also use string and strips of paper in place of ribbon. Place these bouquets on your altar.
Spring Cleaning: Create a new space for your new life. Your outer space impacts and reflects your inner space. Sweep, scrub, organize, and donate/toss out. Do it all at once or designate a day for each room/space. Once you’re done, bless your new space by smudging with sage or other preferred herb, oil, sound, etc. Then open doors and windows to let new air flow through and circulate.
Create a Spring Altar: Using any space, table, or nook, build your altar with symbols and colors of spring. Colors can include: purple, yellow, green, and pink. Flowers can include: tulips, daffodils, and daisies, decorative eggs, candles in the above mentioned colors or with citrus or bright floral smells, spring animals images such as: lambs, chicks, bunnies, or green crystals to symbolize renewal.
Home Altar Renewal: If you already have a home altar, clean and dust items on the altar and the space around it. You can also remove some or all items and include the symbols of spring mentioned above.
Slow and Steady: It’s tempting to jump right into summer mode when the sun’s rays beam brightly (or even with the slightest peek from the clouds). Take a breath, and slow down. The days are slowly growing longer, and there will be enough sun in the following months. Keep steady and focused actions on your goals in order to stay on course. And of course make time for play and rest.


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