Saying Goodbye, Part 4: Difference in Perspective

Monday came with no improvement and my father was taken to the Emergency Room via ambulance. It was a rush of fear that went through me as I followed the ambulance to the hospital. By this time my father's condition was pretty bad. He was mostly unresponsive with eyes closed and mouth open. His cough... Continue Reading →

Saying Goodbye, Part 3: The Danger of Wishful Thinking

"Lines Hold the Memories" by Silvia PelisseroSunday morning arrived, and my father was still silent. despite his increased strength the day before, he began to show subtle signs of decline. He needed more time and help moving from the bed. His ate less, and had more difficulty drinking. because of this he was unable to... Continue Reading →

The Gifts of Darkness: An Invitation for Self-Care and Connection

During the Winter Solstice we experience the shortest day and longest night of the year. This time of extended darkness (the longest of the year) can bring about mixed feelings depending on your situation. For some, having longer nights brings about little disruption to daily life. However for others, this time can brings discomfort on many levels.  In either case, the Winter... Continue Reading →

Shame Relapse

It's safe to say that most of my life has been lived from a pessimistic viewpoint.  Glass half-full was my default and Murphy’s Law governed my outlook. I strongly believed that optimistic people were living in a fantasy world and sorely needing a swift kick in the ass from reality. My ever increasing depression and... Continue Reading →

Growing Edges and Traps

Over the last few weeks, I have been sitting with and working through a growing edge about my subconscious set-up where, no mater what I do, I always end up wrong. At first, I knew it's was a growing edge because I didn't have the words to describe what I was facing. I get fleeting clarity, but... Continue Reading →

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